Module planet

Functions for planets

Global functions

Planet.all () returns an iterator over all planets (including stars and moons, so check for flags).
Planet.getFromName (name) finds any planet by name

Class Planet

planet:addMilitaryPresence (clan, diff) modifies (up or down) military presence for clan.
planet:addPublicOpinion (clan, diff) modifies (up or down) public opinion of a clan.
planet:addTaxLeech (clan, rate) adds (or updates) a tax leech for the planet.
planet:areas () get an iterator over areas on the planet.
planet:forceEchoRooms () get the list of rooms with the force.echoPossible dvar.
planet:getCrime () returns the crime level of the planet.
planet:getDescription () returns the description of the planet.
planet:getGovernedBy () returns the clan currently governing the planet.
planet:getMilitary () returns the current military funding level of the planet.
planet:getMilitaryPresence (clan) returns the current military presence of the given clan on this planet.
planet:getName () returns the name of the planet.
planet:getPoliceAlert () returns the police alert level of the planet.
planet:getPopulation () returns the current population of the planet.
planet:getPosition () get the planet's position within system
planet:getPublicOpinion (clan) returns the current public opinion of the given clan on this planet.
planet:getRandomPublicRoom () tries to find a random public room on this planet.
planet:getResource (resource) get the settings for a given resource on this planet.
planet:getResourceNames () get the list of resource names bought or sold on this planet.
planet:getResourcePriceHistory (resource) get the price history for a given resource on this planet.
planet:getStarsystem () get the planet's starsystem
planet:getTaxLeech (clan) gets the rate at which a clan is leeching taxes from a planet.
planet:getTaxModifier () gets the tax modifier of a planet
planet:getTaxRate () returns the tax rate percentage of the planet (0-100).
planet:hasActiveEvent (eventType) returns whether the planet currently has the given event running.
planet:hasFlag (flag) get whether a flag is set on this planet.
planet:removeTaxLeech (clan) removes a tax leech from the planet.
planet:setCrime (number) set the crime level of the planet.
planet:setFlag (flag, value) set a flag on this planet.
planet:setMilitary (level) sets military funding level of the planet.
planet:setMilitaryPresence (clan, diff) sets the military presence for a clan.
planet:setPublicOpinion (clan, diff) sets the 'special events' public opinion effect for a clan.
planet:setResourcePrice (resource, curPrice) set the price of a resource on this planet.
planet:setTaxLeechExpiration (hours) sets an automatic expiration for a tax leech
planet:setTaxModifier (number) set the tax modifier of a planet (cannot be negative)

Global functions

Planet.all ()
returns an iterator over all planets (including stars and moons, so check for flags).


    an iterator of Planet


    for planet in Planet:all() do
      -- do something
Planet.getFromName (name)
finds any planet by name


  • name string the planet name.


    Planet the planet, or nil if not found

Class Planet

Functions on planet variables
planet:addMilitaryPresence (clan, diff)
modifies (up or down) military presence for clan.


  • clan Clan the clan to modify military presence for.
  • diff number the amount to add. Use a negative number to lower presence.
planet:addPublicOpinion (clan, diff)
modifies (up or down) public opinion of a clan. This always shows in smalltalk under the "Special Events" category.


  • clan Clan the clan to modify opinion of.
  • diff number the amount to add. Use a negative number to lower opinion.
planet:addTaxLeech (clan, rate)
adds (or updates) a tax leech for the planet.


  • clan Clan the clan to establish as the tax leech.
  • rate number the percentage of total tax revenue to leech (0.01 to 100.00)


    -- Have the Crimson Dawn steal 60.25% of the total tax revenue generated by the planet
    local crimson = Clan.getFromName("Crimson Dawn")
    planet:addTaxLeech(crimson, 60.25)
    -- Now update their leech percentage to 20%
    planet:addTaxLeech(crimson, 20.00)
planet:areas ()
get an iterator over areas on the planet.


    an iterator of Area


    for area in planet:areas() do
      -- do something
planet:forceEchoRooms ()
get the list of rooms with the force.echoPossible dvar.


    table A table of room vnum ints


    for _, vnum in ipairs(planet:forceEchoRooms()) do
      -- do stuff
planet:getCrime ()
returns the crime level of the planet.


    number the planet's crime level
planet:getDescription ()
returns the description of the planet.


    string the planet description
planet:getGovernedBy ()
returns the clan currently governing the planet.


    Clan the clan who owns the planet, or nil if none is set.
planet:getMilitary ()
returns the current military funding level of the planet.


    number the planet's current military funding level.
planet:getMilitaryPresence (clan)
returns the current military presence of the given clan on this planet.


  • clan Clan the clan to get military presence for.


    number the clan's current military presence here.
planet:getName ()
returns the name of the planet.


    string the planet name
planet:getPoliceAlert ()
returns the police alert level of the planet.


    number the planet's police alert level
planet:getPopulation ()
returns the current population of the planet.


    number the planet's current population
planet:getPosition ()
get the planet's position within system


  1. number the planet's x coordinate
  2. number the planet's y coordinate
  3. number the planet's z coordinate


    local x, y, z = planet:getPosition()
planet:getPublicOpinion (clan)
returns the current public opinion of the given clan on this planet.


  • clan Clan the clan to get opinion of.


    number the clan's current public opinion here.
planet:getRandomPublicRoom ()
tries to find a random public room on this planet. This can return any room in any area on the planet which is pathable to a public landing pad or hail point.


    Room a room if found, or nil if none could be found after 100 attempts
planet:getResource (resource)
get the settings for a given resource on this planet.


  • resource string The name of the resource.


  1. number The mode for the resource: "none", "import", or "export"
  2. number The current price
  3. number The minimum natural price
  4. number The maximum natural price


    local mode, current, min, max = planet:getResource("goods")
planet:getResourceNames ()
get the list of resource names bought or sold on this planet.


    table A table of resource name strings


    for _, resName in ipairs(planet:getResourceNames()) do
      -- do stuff
planet:getResourcePriceHistory (resource)
get the price history for a given resource on this planet. The output is a table which indicates the price over each recorded price tick, about 30 minutes apart on average.


  • resource string The name of the resource.


    table A table of resource prices over each recorded price tick


    for _, price in ipairs(planet:getResourcePriceHistory("goods")) do
      -- do stuff
planet:getStarsystem ()
get the planet's starsystem


    Starsystem the planet's starsystem
planet:getTaxLeech (clan)
gets the rate at which a clan is leeching taxes from a planet.


  • clan Clan the clan for which the rate is being sought


    number the percentage of tax revenue leeched by the clan, or 0 if the clan isn't leeching


    -- Gets the tax leech clan and amount, or nil and 0 if there is no tax leech
    local clan = Clan.getFromName("Crimson Dawn")
    local amt = planet:getTaxLeech(clan)
planet:getTaxModifier ()
gets the tax modifier of a planet


    number the planet's tax modifier
planet:getTaxRate ()
returns the tax rate percentage of the planet (0-100).


    number the planet's tax rate
planet:hasActiveEvent (eventType)
returns whether the planet currently has the given event running.


  • eventType string The type of event, as a string.


    boolean True if the event is active, false otherwise. if planet:hasActiveEvent("holiday") do ch:say("We're on holiday!") end
planet:hasFlag (flag)
get whether a flag is set on this planet.


  • flag string The flag to check for


    boolean True if the flag is set, false otherwise


    if planet:hasFlag("freeport") do
      ch:echoAt("You can trade cargo here.")
planet:removeTaxLeech (clan)
removes a tax leech from the planet.


  • clan Clan the clan to remove as a tax leech..


    -- Remove the Crimson Dawn as a tax leech
    local crimson = Clan.getFromName("Crimson Dawn")
planet:setCrime (number)
set the crime level of the planet.


  • number the new crime level


planet:setFlag (flag, value)
set a flag on this planet.


  • flag string The flag to set
  • value boolean The new value to set


    planet:setFlag("freeport", true)
planet:setMilitary (level)
sets military funding level of the planet.


  • level number the new military funding level to set.
planet:setMilitaryPresence (clan, diff)
sets the military presence for a clan.


  • clan Clan the clan to set military presence for.
  • diff number the new military presence.
planet:setPublicOpinion (clan, diff)
sets the 'special events' public opinion effect for a clan. This always shows in smalltalk under the "Special Events" category. Note that the value set here won't be their final opinion. It will still be modified up or down by other effects on the planet.


  • clan Clan the clan to set opinion of.
  • diff number the new special events effect amount.
planet:setResourcePrice (resource, curPrice)
set the price of a resource on this planet.


  • resource string The name of the resource.
  • curPrice number The minimum price


    -- Set the price of goods to 12.5 and to randomly float around between 10 and 15 over time
    planet:setResource("goods", 10, 12.5, 15)
planet:setTaxLeechExpiration (hours)
sets an automatic expiration for a tax leech


  • hours number the number of hours before the leech expires (or 0 for no expiration)


    -- Have the Crimson Dawn steal 60.25% of the total tax revenue generated by the planet
    local crimson = Clan.getFromName("Crimson Dawn")
    planet:setTaxLeechExpiration(crimson, 72)
planet:setTaxModifier (number)
set the tax modifier of a planet (cannot be negative)


  • number the new tax modifier


  • -- Raise the tax modifier by 10%
  • -- Just double tax revenue
generated by LDoc 1.5.0 Last updated 2024-10-22 16:05:00