Module core

Global utility and debugging functions

Global functions

LOTJ.broadcast (source, message) make a public broadcast
LOTJ.councilnet (source, message) send a message to the RPC channel () get the current date
LOTJ.debug (msg) send a message to the debug channel
LOTJ.error (error) produces an error, causing the current lua program to crash
LOTJ.getEra () get the current era number.
LOTJ.getGlobalVar (varName, default) get a global variable by name
LOTJ.getGlobalVarTimer (varName) get a global variable by name
LOTJ.immchat (source, message) send a message to immchat
LOTJ.isColor (number, color) checks if 256 color int value is mapped to a base color value
LOTJ.keywordCheck (args, keywords) check if the given arguments match a list of keywords
LOTJ.log (msg) send a message to the log channel
LOTJ.newThread (callback) create a new background coroutine
LOTJ.onBoot (callback) callback when the mud boots up or copyover recovers (once the script is loaded)
LOTJ.onReady (callback) callback when the mud boots up or copyover recovers -- and/or when the script is loaded/reloaded
LOTJ.setDateTime (the) takes a natural language date/time and returns an int value
LOTJ.setGlobalVar (varName, value, ttl) set a global variable
LOTJ.sleep (number) sleep a coroutine for at least x milliseconds
LOTJ.stripColor (orig) remove all color codes from a string
LOTJ.time () get the current time
LOTJ.writeToLog (keyword, content, level, ttl) write to persistent logs (the logs/showlog system)

Global functions

LOTJ.broadcast (source, message)
make a public broadcast


  • source string The source of the broadcast, like GNN or Invisible Market
  • message string The text of the broadcast


    LOTJ.broadcast("GNN", "Breaking news! Ewoks have stormed the capitol building on Corellia!")
LOTJ.councilnet (source, message)
send a message to the RPC channel


  • source string The source of the message, like Nield or The Galactic Empire
  • message string The text of the message


    LOTJ.councilnet("Nield", "Oopsy daisy. I think I need a restore.") ()
get the current date
LOTJ.debug (msg)
send a message to the debug channel


  • msg string the text to debug. Use chan +debug filter *keyword* to view, where keyword is a unique word included in your message.
LOTJ.error (error)
produces an error, causing the current lua program to crash


  • error string the text to include as the error message
LOTJ.getEra ()
get the current era number.


    integer the current era number.
LOTJ.getGlobalVar (varName, default)
get a global variable by name


  • varName string the name of the variable to get
  • default an optional default value (string, number, or boolean) to return if the variable is unset


    the value, or the default or nil if it's not set. Can be a bool, number, or string.
LOTJ.getGlobalVarTimer (varName)
get a global variable by name


  • varName string the name of the variable whose timer to get


    the integer value of seconds remaining in the timer, or 0 if it's expired, or nil if the variable is not set.
LOTJ.immchat (source, message)
send a message to immchat


  • source string The source of the message, like Nield or The Galactic Empire
  • message string The text of the message


    LOTJ.immchat("Nield", "How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if the wood chuck had 110 force levels?")
LOTJ.isColor (number, color)
checks if 256 color int value is mapped to a base color value


  • number integer the color value
  • color string the color name


    boolean true if the color value is part of the base color, false otherwise
LOTJ.keywordCheck (args, keywords)
check if the given arguments match a list of keywords


  • args string the names to search for
  • keywords string the keywords to look in, for example the name field on an object or character


    boolean true if the args are found in the keywords, false otherwise


    if LOTJ.keywordCheck("imperial stormtrooper", otherCh:getName()) then
      LOTJ.log("otherCh matched imperial stormtrooper")
LOTJ.log (msg)
send a message to the log channel


  • msg string the text to log
LOTJ.newThread (callback)
create a new background coroutine


  • callback function the function to call
LOTJ.onBoot (callback)
callback when the mud boots up or copyover recovers (once the script is loaded)


  • callback function the function to call
LOTJ.onReady (callback)
callback when the mud boots up or copyover recovers -- and/or when the script is loaded/reloaded


  • callback function the function to call
LOTJ.setDateTime (the)
takes a natural language date/time and returns an int value


  • the string date/time


    integer the time value (compatible with C-side functions)
LOTJ.setGlobalVar (varName, value, ttl)
set a global variable


  • varName string the name of the variable to set. It must include a namespace, preferably the name of the area setting it, like "wroona.myVar"
  • value the value, a string, number, or boolean. Pass in nil here to remove a variable.
  • ttl number the number of seconds to keep the variable, in seconds. (optional, if not specified it's kept indefinitely)
LOTJ.sleep (number)
sleep a coroutine for at least x milliseconds


  • number int of ms to sleep for
LOTJ.stripColor (orig)
remove all color codes from a string


  • orig string the original text, with color codes


    string the string with all color codes removed
LOTJ.time ()
get the current time
LOTJ.writeToLog (keyword, content, level, ttl)
write to persistent logs (the logs/showlog system)


  • keyword string the name of the keyword to log to
  • content string the content to write to the log
  • level number the minimum level to view the log (typically 103)
  • ttl number (optional) the number of hours before the log becomes obsolete (defaults to 336)


    LOTJ.writeToLog("hypermatter", "Spawned a new hypermatter ship!", 103)
generated by LDoc 1.5.0 Last updated 2024-10-22 16:05:00